ASPLOS is the premier forum for multidisciplinary systems research spanning computer architecture and hardware, programming languages and compilers, operating systems and networking, as well as applications and user interfaces. The research may target diverse goals such as performance, energy and thermal efficiency, resiliency, security, and sustainability. The importance of such cross-cutting research continues to grow as we grapple with the end of Dennard scaling, the explosion of big data, scales ranging from ultra-low power wearable devices to exascale parallel and cloud computers, the need for sustainability, and increasingly human-centered applications. ASPLOS embraces systems research that directly targets these new problems in new ways.
ASPLOS Best Presentation Award
"Beyond the PDP-11: Architectural support for a memory-safe C abstract machine" by David Chisnall, Colin Rothwell, Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, Munraj Vadera, Simon W. Moore, Michael Roe, Brooks Davis, and Peter G. Neumann has been selected for the "Audience choice: Best presentation award" at ASPLOS 2015.
The best presentation award was chosen through a combination of audience votes, session attendees, and session chair feedback.
ASPLOS Influential Paper Award
ASPLOS 1996 paper titled "The Case for a Single-Chip Multiprocessor" by Kunle Olukotun, Basem A. Nayfeh, Lance Hammond, Ken Wilson, and Kunyung Chang has been selected to receive the ASPLOS Influential Paper Award at ASPLOS 2015.
Best Paper Award
Best Paper Award is presented to Chang Liu, Austin Harris, Martin Maas, Michael Hicks, Mohit Tiwari, and Elaine Shi for GhostRider: A Hardware-Software System for Memory Trace Oblivious Computation
Technical Program
ASPLOS 2015 Technical Program (PDF)
ASPLOS 2015 Technical Program (HTML)
The paper pdfs should now be available on the ACM digital library. You will also receive all paper pdfs on a USB drive.
Whova Event App
Download the Whova event app on your mobile device to make the most of ASPLOS 2015 experience now! Please use the download links below and sign up to the app with the email from your ASPLOS 2015 registration.
Whova for iPhone
Whova for Android
You can also download the ACM Digital Library App for iPhone and Android.
ACM SRC Posters
SRC Abstracts Selection Committee
SRC Posters & Presentations Selection Committee
News & Important Dates
- Early Registration Deadline Extended to February 23rd. Feb 17, 2015.
- Technical Program is up. Jan 28, 2015.
- Registration site is up. Jan 15, 2015.
- Workshop and Tutorials program have been finalized. Jan 12, 2015.
- Hotel reservation information is available. Jan 8, 2015.
- ASPLOS - WACI CFP is announced. Dec 15, 2014.
- ASPLOS - ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) CFP is announced. Aug 18, 2014.
- Updated CFP is online. Jul 14, 2014.
- Submission site is up. Jul 14, 2014.
- Program Committee is announced. May 26, 2014.
- First CFP is online. Feb 26, 2014.
- ASPLOS 2015 website is on. Feb 5, 2014.
ASPLOS 2015 Sponsors

In cooperation with:

ASPLOS 2015 Gold Supporters

ASPLOS 2015 Silver Supporters

ASPLOS 2015 Bronze Supporters